STA System
STA (Single Tooth Anesthesia) System in Grand Central & Rockefeller Center, NY
The STA System is an innovative, clinically-proven way to achieve more precise injections and improved drug delivery with higher patient comfort levels. This new technology delivers real-time visual and audible feedback, providing information on the exit pressure of the anesthetic and the type of tissue encountered. This provides Dr. Lim with accurate feedback on each individual patient.
No More Painful Shots
The STA handpiece is engineered for an easier and more controlled fluid flow, allowing our dentisits to administer precise, pain-free anesthetic delivery without collateral numbing.
This system is perfect for general dentistry and cosmetic dentistry,
much to the relief of the apprehensive.
Before and After Dental Cases
Full Mouth Cosmetic Reconstruction

Porcelain Veneers

Water Laser Decay Removal